Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Mission of Kannywood Exclusive

Kannywood Exclusive is already a vibrant and active online source of Hausa Entertainment. Hausa films/music has been mostly limited to West Africa. Now with great technologies like the Internet one can Stream a full movie online through phones and computers… and so our goal is to use these technologies to further promote and spread the Kannywood Entertainment industry and Hausa culture globally.
Our goal is to provide a way to watch Kannywood Movies/Music online in full. Some Hausa movies are being uploaded on youtube, but are very few and usually are outdated at the time they will be uploaded, and most of these movies were uploaded without even the consent of the film owners. This serves as the only way for those outside of West Africa to watch Hausa films/music.
We are on the verge of creating a Standard website for all this features. Where there will be up to date day by day news of any Kannywood related activity, online Movie and Music Streaming (both Free and Pay movies), Downloads, Trailers, a tab to Know most Cast and Crews, Movies to watch out for, and many more.
We will also be creating Mobile apps (for Android,Blackberry,IOS,Symbian, & Java with 3G) and PC software that will also accommodate these features, to make it easier for users around the world.
This can be possible by your help. You can help make Kannywood industry bigger and brighter. Be part of the industries revolution.
Why we need your support
the mission of Kannywood Exclusive costs money. Servers and infrastructure need to be provided and maintained, domain names and trademarks need to be registered and taken care of, Movie rights need to be bought, plus there is an ongoing demand for travel funding of our members, and participation in events.
You are more than welcome to donate to our ongoing operations budget.
Your donation, however small, would greatly help our project and help us deliver a better services as well as product. Thank you for your support!
Diamond Bank

Account Name: Ahmadumar, Umar
Account Number: 0034611725

Payza (online payment)

If you dont have an account with one of the best and biggest online payment system PAYZA oppen one now through this LINK.

Once again
Thank you for your support!

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