Monday, February 23, 2015

Ali Nuhu Arrests Ali Artworks Parents

In rise of the recent happening in the world of kannywood, the conflict between Kannywoods two major hauses, White House Family of Prince Zango and FKD Production of Ali Nuhu has taken a new dimension as Ali nuhu has seek the arrest of Ali Artwork who publicaly abused Ali Nuhu on both Facebook and Instagram pages. When the security personnel went to arrest Artwork they found out tha he was no where to be found, so they went on to arrest his parents
so as to lure him out. But artwork sees this as an abuse and speaks on his intension to sue Ali nuhu for disgracing his family members. It can be recalled that Artwork publically abused Ali Nuhu the boss of Rahma Sadau wich he later explained that he did so to make her feel what he went through when she abused his boss Adam A Zango.

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